Affiliate Login

Affiliate Resources!


Here are instructions for setting up your affiliate links.

Overview: No matter how you integrate it into your website, we give you complete control.

Updated! We just updated all the affiliate programs, links, and commission rates. All the affiliate links are listed in your login page, for text links click on Get Links & Marketing Tools, then choose the program you wish to promote from the list, you can also find all the banner ads on this page.

You can have one of our banners on your site as the link to The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( products OR you can just have a text link to us directly from your main page, your "other links" page, or wherever you deem appropriate at your site or email.

We recommend that you link to us on your main page because of the exposure. For example: you could just have a The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( banner on your main page from the several to choose from on your login page OR your could have us listed in your main menu (if applicable).

We recommend the main page because it has the highest exposure to your visitors, and of course, the more people that link to The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( website, the more people who buy our Products/Services the more money you make.

Here are a couple of pointers for listing The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( at your website:

Placing our banner(s) on your site: This is the most common and easiest way to earn referral fees. Simply place an The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( banner on high traffic parts of your website for visitors to click on (banner ads are available on your affiliate login page, instructions for placing them on your site are also included).

OR you may choose to put a text link on your site or in your emails. You may use any of the text links found in your affiliate login pages.

It's easy to add a banner ad or text link to your site or email. Here's how:

Text Links:
Please choose which affiliate product you wish to earn commissions from, choose as many as you like, from the affiliate login page. If you have a text link that would fit your site or email better please email first for approval before placing it on your site or email.

Once you know which text link you want then copy (select all the text of the ad by highlighting it, then put the cursor over the highlighted text and right click on your mouse, then select copy from the menu, or use Ctrl+C to copy the code) and paste it in your html code on your site or email where you want the text link to appear.

You may copy and paste any of the links. Then test it by clicking on it. It should take you to the product website. If you have any questions or problems or need help please email

Banner ads:
On your Affiliate Login page are several banner ads to choose from. There are instructions on your Affiliate Login page.

First copy (select all the code under the banner ad in the box by highlighting it, then put the cursor over the highlighted code and right click on your mouse, then select copy from the menu, or use Ctrl+C to copy the code) and paste it in your html code on your site where you want the banner ad to appear.

This way your site visitors will go to the product you are promoting and you can receive commissions after they make a purchase.

The Defeating Bad Eating banner ad is coming soon. Please use the text link for now.

Upload the page and check the ad to make sure it is where you want it and that it is the banner ad you wanted. Then test it by clicking on it. It should take you to the correct product page. If you have any questions or problems or need help please email

Is your site along a certain theme or type?
Topically-oriented websites: Most websites, especially those that focus on a particular subject area, will want to set up a link from their main page used specifically to link to The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( In other words, with your selections on your main page (main menu), you would have The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( as an option. It would look as if The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ( is part of your website, but it is really going to our server.

Magazine-styled sites: Sites featuring articles, reviews and interviews may want to use a different approach. Interviews with or stories about the author and course reviews on The Center for Nutrition, Inc. ('s Products/Services. Linking Products/Services in context is a simple way to make it available for sale; you could also insert a phrase like "(more information about Products/Services)" or "(order these Products/Services)", next to the title, and link from there instead.

For this kind of website, a "suggested reading" list might also be a good idea. For example, suppose that you include an article discussing health, etc. You might include a "suggested reading" list at the end of the article, including a link to The Center for Nutrition, Inc. (

These instructions and other information can be found in the Affiliates Frequently Asked Questions page any time. If you haven't read it yet we recommend you do so before you add your affiliate links, as well as the Affiliate Program information.

If you experience any problems, please email

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
Maintained by: Navona Designs