


Welcome to the 'Free Stuff' Home Page


This web site is for your exploration and not for exploitation!

Enjoy the multitude of free stuff:

Free Videos and Free Audio


Food Sources, Health Resorts and other valuable Resources

Free Health Calculators

Health Articles

Read some of Dr. Wayne's many health articles that show you how to follow the guidelines of the Perfect Diet Mini Program.
More Health Articles    1999    2000    2001    2002

Healthy Recipes

Each week we will feature mouthwatering, but healthy and delicious healthy recipes, which you can incorporate into your food combining guide.
More Healthy Recipes    1999    2000    2001    2002
There are lots of Free Health Articles and Healthy Recipes on this part of the site for you to enjoy and will be Your BEST GUARANTEE of Living to a Healthy, Ripe-old Age FREE of Sickness.
You'll discover great healthy ideas for any kitchen with 60-second Power Breakfasts, Meals in Minutes and Dinner on the Double. Now you can eat healthy without hating it so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family and see your babies grow up.
At last, you'll be
---- Decreasing Body Fat & Increasing Lean Muscle Mass
---- Safeguarding your Heart with Guilt Free Fast Food
---- Enjoying Quick Fixes for Stressed out Days
Increasing your Energy with these tools to boost your VITALITY
Feeling Good Naked while Staying Younger Longer savoring an awesome sex life.
Loving Delicious recipes with Awesome Desserts & Low Fat Classics & Healthy Pizza, Pasta and Mango Pie!
Rid of Heartburn, Indigestion and Upset Stomach without the Pills, Potions & Lotions
It's my pleasure to share all this healthy free stuff with you. There are 2 Categories of Healthy Recipes and 2 Categories of Health Articles.
The 1st Healthy Recipes Link will bring you to some totally different short healthy recipes that are FAST and EASY. The 2nd Healthy Recipes Link will bring you to the scores of Healthy Recipes we've produced on our weekly E-Zine that goes out to several 1000's of opted in subscribers each week. (The same strategy is with the Health Articles as well) They are all listed per year.
I sure didn't want you to miss out on all the fun we've had over the last several years so we decided to give them to you all in an easily accessible format. ENJOY!
Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487

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