"Salad in a glass"

Top of the day to you

It's a brand new year and we have some exciting things in store for you.
We are putting together an incredible new website with all the bells and whistles. We will be having a tape of the week that will be available to you along with a great variety of special reports…new Tele-seminar series for you and well, just a lot going on and I can imagine it's the same for you…a busy year and all.

Well to get things really off to a start I was out on my driveway jumping rope and my new neighbors who only come down from Connecticut about 5 times a year to get away from it all just rolled in when I was jumping rope. It was great to see them but before I knew it I had all 6 of them in my driveway teaching them how to jump rope. They were tired of sitting for such a long time so this was right up their alley.

All 3 couples really got into it and I sort of lost track of time. I thought after 2 hours of all this, that time was slipping by and I surely didn't want to eat too late. So at 7:15 PM, I finally got away to prepare dinner. But I wanted something right now and didn't want to slave over the kitchen sink preparing all the stuff, so I came up with this and couldn't wait to share it with you.

Check this out, it's a "Salad in a Glass" and it's a winner I'll grant you.

Here's all you need to do:

Cut up into large chunks 3-4 small Plum Tomatoes (depending on the size), 2 small Pickling Cucumbers; 2 small Yellow Summer Squash; 1 small Zucchini Squash and put into your High Powered Blender (Vita Mix or Thermomix) and let blend for no more than 20-30 seconds. Use 2 stalks of Celery to press the mixture into the blades and let the Celery go into the mixture to make a liquid salad you can put in a glass. Top with some of your favorite unsalted Nuts.

Now this was about as quick as I could make it and it totally blew me away at how delicious and filling it was. One other thing is that you didn't need to use any of the Vinegar and all that Dressing that's really a bear on the body to deal with nutritionally.

One thing I've learned in my years of this business is that if you prepare the food as simply as you can, it is so much easier to maintain your health which includes dealing with stress, keeping that excess weight off, enjoying an abundance of energy, going to the bathroom regularly without all that huffing and puffing until the walls come tumbling down and a host of other healthy things we take for granted until we lose them.

This was easy and really tasty. Enjoy!

My positive thought for this week when it comes to being the healthiest person ON the planet and not the wealthiest person IN the grave would be…


You cannot have success without dealing with problems.
Look for your opportunity in every difficulty, instead of being paralyzed at the thought of the difficulty in every opportunity.

Every new experience brings with it the seed of your success. Even your current difficulties have within them opportunity. Welcome your problems as opportunities.

Each moment is your greatest challenge, the best thing that ever happened to you. The more difficult the problem, the greater the challenge in working it out. When it is dark enough you can even see the stars by gosh by golly.

It's all about Ebb & Flow. I'm here when you need that positive energy and 'know how' that it takes to see you through any of your health challenges. Best to you.

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering = The Ambassador for Health

PS You can thank Nick Fry, one of our newest PLATINUM Members out of Traverse City, MI, who has been doing a great job of proofreading all my weekly messages in the last 3 weeks as before I was sure getting a lot of typos. That can be expected when you do this in the wee hours of the morning. So a special thanks to NICK FRY! He makes this service available to anyone who needs that sort of thing. He even proofreads all my books, articles and health guides. He's honest and fair!



Tips & Secrets on how to Eat More…Weigh Less…Sleep Better…Be Energized and Feel Terrific in 30 days, guaranteed, with no notion of a lotion or potion! "Defeating Bad Eating"


If you would like to keep on the cutting edge with the very best tips and secrets on "How to Get Well then Stay Well for Life" + "Sound Nutrition" + "Living Better" + "Sales & Marketing" + "The Fittest of the Fittest" then click here http://www.wayne-pickering.com/1-tele2.htm for more information on how our Tele-seminars work.

This weekly e-zine has been referred to as one of the World's Premiere sources of sound, sensible Health Information to help keep you free of Nutritional Related Diseases. And to keep you thinking about how important you are so you can be around for the long haul to fulfill your purpose whatever that would be.

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
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