"Mango Man's Stuffed Red Bell Peppers"

Top of the day to you

And I must say I'm 2 days late with this and I do apologize. We have had so many new Gold and Platinum Inner Circle Members who have come aboard which got me a little behind with this task. Also I've been in the Orange Grove picking the last of the Mercotts I told you about a couple weeks ago. Gosh I sure hated to see you miss them. It's the very first time that I've been eating oranges that are actually TOO Sweet. Put this Phone number away for later use. 386-698-2484! This is the most virgin soil I've ever seen. NO SPRAYS PERIOD is their motto.

Anyway, I have a really great recipe this week and this is as easy as 1-2-3 (JUDITH DACEY). It's called "Stuffed Red Bell Peppers" and this is an ideal evening meal or it could be the appetizer if you'd like…depending on how many people you are serving. This is my whole meal at times.


- 2 Large Red Bell Peppers (Cut in half = lengthwise removing the core and seeds).
- 16 ounce block of Tofu (you can buy this at just about any health food store or in your favorite grocery store. And usually they have an organic section in most larger grocery store chains now-a-days).
- 4 ounces of Almonds and Pecans finely chopped in a coffee grinder
- 2 stalks of Celery as a garnish and to be eaten of course.
- 2 Radishes as a garnish as well and can also be eaten.
- 1 Yellow Summer Squash cut in 4 pieces lengthwise to be used also as a garnish and should be eaten as well.
- 6 large leaves of Romaine Lettuce Leaves


In the center of a salad bowl, place the 6 large leaves of Romaine Lettuce Leaves. On top of the leaves place the 4 large Red Bell Peppers halves. Stuff them with a mixture of the mashed up Tofu and the finely chopped Almond and Pecans. Decorate the top with a Radish Rose and garnish with the Celery & Squash. Now this is a very healthy Evening Protein Meal and it's also tasty as the dickens. Enjoy and I'll see you next week.

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering = The Ambassador for Health.

PS Here's a little something that blew me a way the other evening as I was watching a documentary on the 4 Western Provinces of Canada where they were showing that Alberta is the Oil Capital of Canada. And of the over 30 major oil pools in that province, just one of them has more oil than the entire country of Saudi Arabia….HELLLLO!

I was truly amazed…how about you???

I know you are probably getting fed up with so emails coming across from the many folks talking about the gas prices going up and I hate the prices too, but what about this Oil thing in Canada do ya suppose? I need some help on that one by gosh by golly.

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
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