"Recipes. Starting all over!"

"Salad Dressing" + "Zucchini/Bell Pepper Stew"

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

I have to tell you that sometimes we get side tracked with a few negatives in our lives and forget all the positives that your work is having on so many people. Since I made the formal apology two weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with great messages from so many of you who look forward to my weekly e-mail messages. I had to re-evaluate my last year's work and see how I could improve and even though a lot of you said you didn't mind the length of them, I still respect each of your schedules and will try and keep them as concise as possible. I missed last week and am making up for it this week by adding 2 recipes in this week's message. ENJOY!
In this issue:

  • Salad Dressing
  • Zucchini/Bell Pepper Stew
  • C/D of the Week.


For the longest time I have forgotten to include a terrific salad dressing until most of my nutritional counseling clientele kept on asking me for a good one. Well here is a good one. And I would use it only for a salad that had fruit vegetables plus tomatoes, celery and or lettuce in it.

Now here are the Fruit Vegetables:
Yellow Summer Squash,
Zucchini Squash,
All Bell Peppers

They're virtually all the ones that include seeds in them. When you refer to our "The Food Combining Guide" It will show you lots of other usual information about them.

Let's say you want a salad dressing for 4-6 people! Now if there is only one or two of you, you may refrigerate this for up to 3-4 days.

  • 4 Ounces of Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice. (or as Wendy Flinders refers to it as Freshly Squozen)
  • 8 Ounces of either Cold Pressed Canola; Olive or Almond Oil!
  • 1 Ounce of fresh chopped Basil
  • 1 Ounce of fresh chopped Thyme
  • 1 Ounce of fresh chopped Parsley
  • 1 Quarter Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 Ounce of fresh chopped Sea Kelp
    (having them all fresh chopped would be best, but if it's not convenient and they are readily available in a bottle in a health food store and under no circumstances should they be irradiated, then by all means use them)

Take all the ingredients and shake well. Remember this dressing is not a good combination with the other Green Leafy and Non Starchy Vegetables. Such an unsuitable combination will surely lead to stomach cramps as you will see in our "The Food Combining Guide" and is talked about in our first Tele-seminar Cassette.

Here's the title of the D/R#1 Tele-Seminar

"The 3 Foods to Avoid at all Cost + The 3 Commandments of Eating!"

Indigestion is so common that people actually think it's normal. Realize the 3 Commandments of Eating so you can embrace wholesome digestion once again after all those years of indigestion agony. Learn what exactly happens to food when we eat…."The Marvels of Digestion" so you'll be happier and more fun to be around to open up permanent relationships instead of just closing sales.
1. Discover how to spell relief real fast!
2. Savor Hassle-Free eating as it should be and watch those stomach products that fizz-fizz faze out of your life.
3. Accept the biggest challenge about nutrition that you will ever encounter!
4. Discover how to maximize your energy levels - learning the difference between energy gaining and energy draining foods = "The 3 Foods to Avoid at all Cost!"
5. Learn about the very BEST Drinking Water
6. You can be Fit, Focused and Fabulous over Forty.
7. Skin Problems DISAPPEAR
8. Constipation becomes a THING OF THE PAST.
9. Improve your Sex Life. You can be feisty @ fifty!
10. Medical Bills are DRASTICALLY REDUCED!
11. Grocery Bills are MUCH LESS.
12. Your Clothes fit BETTER
13. SWEETER smelling Breath
14. Helps to IMPROVE Circulation.
15. Helps you to Sleep MORE SOUNDLY
16. LESS Nervous Tension
17. Your BEST GUARANTEE of Living to a Healthy, Ripe-old Age FREE of Sickness. You will Discover why so many people have said GOOD BYE to: Allergies, Digestive Problems, Ulcers, Heartburn, Weight Problems, Diarrhea, Low-Blood Sugar, Sinus Trouble, Stomach Pains, GAS, Constipation, etc. and have welcomed New Found Energy, Vitality, and a Keen Zest for Life once again!

Now here's a great RECIPE for a "TERRIFIC STEW"

"Zucchini/Bell Pepper Stew"

  • 1 Vidalia Onion
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic
  • 1 Ounce of Fresh Basil
  • 1 Teaspoon of Fresh Sea Kelp
  • 4 Medium Size Zucchini Squash sliced widthwise in one half inch slices
  • 2 Medium Size Red Bell Peppers sliced lengthwise
  • 1 capsule of Cayenne Pepper
  • 3 Stalks of Chopped Celery
  • 1 Ounce of Fresh Chives.
  • 1 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 2 Ounces of Ground Almonds
  • 2 Ounces of Ground Cashews

In a Large Pot put 1 cup of Distilled water and bring to a boil and then immediately bring to the lowest flame (heat). Then add the Chopped Vidalia Onion and the minced Garlic. Add the Celery, Sea Kelp, Chives, Basil and Cayenne Pepper. Let simmer for about 5 minutes and then add the Zucchini Squash and Red Bell Peppers for about another 10 minutes at max. Then shut the heat off and let stand for about 15 more minutes. Serve luke warm and top with the Ground Almonds and Cashews garnish with a couple sprigs of Basil! ENJOY!

All my best to you. By the way, you never supplement a bad diet with vitamins and the like; you CORRECT A BAD DIET!

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering

PS Check out this C/D. I found this one once again in the library and I was amazed when I heard it. I checked it out as I still had a few left on my card to check out and I took it by chance. It's one of those pieces of music that EVERY ONE of the songs are good the first time you hear it. It's Todd Rundgren "With a twist"! It's sure to be a mainstay in your library of music when you hear it. He does an old Marvin Gaye tune called "I Want You" that kicks. Do check this one out. Glad to call it to your attention.

One last thing, if it's at all possible for you to join us during our Tele-seminars, from the feedback we are getting, you'll thoroughly enjoy the true value we are bringing to the table. Our next one will be on Thursday May 25th @ 8:00 pm EST! I will be letting you know about it this week in detail. Be looking for it and until then I encourage you to be good to yourself, as life is too short to be wasting it sick, miserable or broke.

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
Maintained by: Navona Designs