"Stoned to the Bone"

Top of the day to you.

This is one of my favorite times of the year for the fruit that's in season. There's so much of it. I can't believe someone would actually eat something candy or the like as there are more types of fruit available than we could possibly eat in a week's time. And the nice thing about it is it's never ending. There are Fresh Figs, Papayas, Litchi Fruit, Sapodilla, and Mangoes galore. I have a recipe the week that's so simple to make and so nutritious to boot. All the kids around here just love it. I was jumping rope today for about an hour (had a load of energy from this recipe I'm going to share with you) and a couple of the local surf rats as we call them were walking by my house praising me for what I was doing with the jump rope. So I invited them to try my fruit salad. They thought it might be cool so when they tried it, all I could hear was the surf lingo…Shrewd Dude, etc. And they never eat fruit as a rule but now they're hooked. It's all about exposure to new things that are easy, fun and delicious right of the bat that rules all the time. So I think they were smoking the herb superb or something like that as they called this recipe, "Stoned to the Bone"!


4 Ripe Peaches
4 Ripe Nectarines
One half pound of Fresh Cherries
6 very Ripe Plums
4 Ripe Apricots
4 Mint Leaves
1 Kiwi Fruit

Stand over a large mixing Bowl and cut all these ingredients away from the stone (pit) and let the natural juices fall into the bowl along with the sliced up fruit. After you mix it all up, top with a mint leaf and some thin slices of Kiwi Fruit! The ingredients all fall into the Stone Fruit, as you'll notice in "The Food Combining Guide" that I will be giving away at the NSA Convention to all of you who attend my session called "Is Your Diet A Riot?" This has a value of $14.95 and is going to be my pleasure to give it to you for coming and enjoying this session with me and the many others who've already committed to be there.

Low energy? High stress? More weight than your spouse married? Feeling burnt out? Discover the healthiest fast food; 3 Foods to avoid that "zap" your energy; 3 commandments of eating that "zip" you with energy! Feeling good lets you do good, hence, repeat engagements. This and more will be covered in my session.

But with all the Stone Fruit to make this salad, hence the Surfers name "Stoned to the Bone"…ENJOY! It's an awesome treat and it's so simple to fix. How many will this feed…..one of me but then again I stuff myself with fresh fruit. One of the finest benefits of eating lots of fruit is it's totally clean with no toxic side effects and the benefits are enormous. Other than stress, you can stay virtually free of disease. Of course I eat more than just fruit for the day but for the first 60-70% of my food intake is fresh fruit except in the harsh of winter. Then I will add more starches like Yams, Rice, Beets, etc. These can also be found on "The Food Combining Guide"!

Live your day to the fullest and love every moment. I wish you great things.

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering.

PS Last thing: Did you ever consider how perfectly your body is timed and controlled? How it maintains a normal temperature of 98.6 degrees? How the blood pressure is properly regulated and why you breathe an average of 16 times a minute and your heart beats 72 times? How common food is digested chemically and the nutritive part is transformed into body tissue - bone and muscle; blood and skin; hair and nails - and properly distributed while wastes and poisons are eliminated with no ill effect? You are special with an unnegotiable self-worth you're a champ, not a chump...Eat Good Stuff so You'll Always be Tough!

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
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