"Eating Out In The Evening Time"

Top of the day to you!

I just got back from a fabulous business trip in Las Vegas. I haven't been there for 23 years and wasn't prepared for what was in store for me. It was much more than I could have imagined. I was there for 5 days and was never without something to do every minute of the day.

And you know there's never a problem with eating out if you can keep the ingredients right when you ask the waitress for what you want. One thing I never do is order from the menu!

So many people ask me what to eat on the road. Well I thought I'd write about it since the memories are fresh in my mind. Try this when you dine out. (Now I could spend an eternity on this subject trying to appease every mindset who is on my weekly messages but here's one for those who eat fish!)

Ask the waitress what the fresh fish (local if possible) of the day is. Then ask her to poach, broil or steam it for you. And have 2-3 non-starchy vegetables with it, i.e. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Summer and/or Zucchini Squash, Cabbage, etc, with it!

And if you care for a salad, have one with the dressing on the side and ABSOLUTELY NO STARCHES with this meal, i.e., RICE, POTATOES, PASTA, BREADS, CROUTONS, etc. Watch how good you'll sleep without all that aggravation of gas, headaches, upset stomachs, tension, etc, because of poorly combined foods.

It's bad enough when we have to eat foods out when we don't really know what they're doing to it behind closed doors, so we can at least get the most benefit with the least hassle on the body.

I know I will get a lot of flack from a great amount of raw foodists and vegetarians on my list because of the fish I mentioned tonight and I do apologize, but I do have to reach all my folks.

I do wish you the very best.

Wayne "TMM" The Ambassador for Health

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
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