"Avocado-Rice-Carrot LUNCH!"

Top of the day to you!

Sometimes when I'm here in my office and it rolls up to the noon time and I want a very sustaining, energizing meal for my training in the afternoon, here's a superb recipe.

After I eat this meal, I continue to finish up some office projects then I go take a nap for about 45-60 minutes. Then I wake up to an abundance of energy to do what I have scheduled for that afternoon.

Here's the deal:

Cook up some good wholesome Brown Rice. When it's done grate some raw Carrot over the top with some fresh Parsley sprigs then cube some Avocado over the top of it and mix vigorously using any of your favorite herbs as spices. This will absolutely give you that energy for the rest of the day. I have given this recipe to a number of my athlete friends who swear by it.

You see I actually like to eat home because I know exactly what I'm eating, which is one of the perks of working from a home office. But when I'm out and about, this is also particularly easy when you are eating at a Mexican Food Restaurant for when you are taking clients out.

Get their guacamole and put it over the rice and have the steamed vegetables on top of that. They already have all the ingredients on the menu so all you have to do is tweak your order. I've never had one place that didn't respond favorably when you ask them nice enough.

Very simple, very easy but just be sure to watch your combinations at this meal (or any meal for that matter) meaning not to include any protein dish at this meal if you are having the starches.

Even though the avocado is listed in the Protein Section of my "Food Combining Guide" it is primarily a Fat and is an acceptable combination with Starches. That's why it goes good on a Sandwich. More of all that at a later time.

And when you think of it, at a sushi bar they have this same mixture with that little dark wrapper around it all. I had this one night when Mike Staley & his wife, Kate and a fellow Triathlete friend of mine all went to a sushi bar on Seabreeze Blvd in Daytona Beach, FL! Well I sure found out quick enough that that little green mixture on the side of your plate was not guacamole! Lord have mercy, when I ate that, I came unglued. Talk about opening up your sinuses in a major way. That was truly a boy howdy experience…in not such a positive way either! :>)
But I got over it after some changes I went through I'll grant you!

I have a lot in store for you in the coming months. Stay Terrific!

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
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