"String Beans & Asparagus!"

Top of the day again to everyone.

Sorry this e-mail is getting out late this week. It seems like the mail server is down, as I couldn't for the life of me get out. But I made this recipe last evening and thought this would be the ideal recipe to share this week. I will be sharing my once a month article with you next week, so be looking for that one.

I am a great believer of eating the foods when they are in season for a number of reasons. Just to name a couple, they're so much cheaper then and they usually supply the body with what the body is most needing in nutrients for that particular time of year. At present, String Beans and Asparagus are in season so I prepared a recipe that was absolutely delicious. Check this one out!


  • One pound of String Beans
  • One half pound of fresh Asparagus
  • One half ounce of fresh, raw Sesame Seed Oil
  • One half ounce of extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • One quarter teaspoon of Sweet Basil
  • One quarter teaspoon of Dried Parsley.

Steam for 1 minute the String Beans then put the Asparagus in the pot for another minute. Then shut the heat off. So you have a total of 2 minutes on the String Beans and 1 minute on the Asparagus. I usually cook these in one pot. I hate to wash pots. Now put the one half ounce of Sesame Seed Oil in a large salad bowl and place the slightly steam Asparagus in it and roll the Asparagus all around the Sesame Oil and then put the Dried Basil on top of. Then do the same procedure with the String Beans in the Olive Oil and use the Parsley as your herb for that. This combination if superb with a Protein dish or a Starch Dish. I had it with my Sweet Rice recipe I shared with you a couple weeks ago. This was absolutely excellent. Couldn't believe how easy it was to prepare and so tasty and also so nutritious. ENJOY!

All my best to you and we hope to see you on March 26th for our weeklong "Entrepreneurial Boot Camp"!

Wayne "The Mango Man" Pickering

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
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