"Raw Vegetable Energy Drink"

The top of the day to you.

I have to tell you that before a training session and after the session, I look for quick, easy, highly nutritious, energy gaining and not energy draining foods, i.e. anything that's white especially, to make the whole event profitable.

And I also like to have this about an hour before a speech as well because the energy it gives me to hold me over is excellent.

And one more thing, it's all RAW! So it's perfectly clean burning in the body! Check this out.

As I said very easy, cut the corn off of 4 ears of Corn and put it in your Vitamix or Thermomix along with 2 Organic Carrots (you can but them in almost any major grocery store chain) and 1 large Burpless Cucumber and 1 stalk of celery! Let it blend on a high speed for at least 2 minutes until it becomes a cream. DO NOT PUT WATER IN IT as it really dilutes the flavor.

This usually makes about 2 large glasses. I always drink 1 glass about 1 hour before the training event (especially the bike ride). After drinking it I will take a nap for about 30-45 minutes, as it will have had a good chance to get out of the stomach by then.

So much of your fitness program is attitude so when you get on a roll, the endurance of this drink will be nothing of amazing. You'll be doing a couple boy howdy's with this one for sure.

Stay terrific. I appreciate you and all the comments each of you send me each week. With several thousand hearing from me each week, it's more than I ever thought it would be. So when I say I appreciate you, I really do! Best to you!

Wayne "The Mango Man"

PS Oh yes, for goodness sakes be sure and read next week's notice about the up and coming tele-seminar. It's going to be an ace in the hole. I have 6 awesome guest panelists.

"The Perfect Diet Program" if you would like my secrets on how to Eat More…Weigh Less…Sleep Better…Be Energized and Feel Terrific in 30 days, guaranteed!

Also we just finished an audio program on "Defeating Bad Eating"

Copyright © 2003 Center for Nutrition, Inc

Wayne Pickering
Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc
1 Glowing Health Way
Box 26-3030
Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3030
Tel: 1-866 MANGOMAN (626-4662)
Fax: 1-772-382-8487 Tel: 1-386-441-4487
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